100 Children. 100 Lives Transformed

These are the forgotten children. You can change their future for $12.50 a month,

100 Children.  100 Lives Transformed image


raised towards $15,000 goal




These are the forgotten children. You can change their future for $12.50 a month,

Help Us Touch the Lives of 100 Children and Change Their World Forever

All over Nepal there are children living in villages you’ve never heard about. Tiny, rural, hillside villages in the country’s most remote corners. And the children who live in these villages? They have almost no chance of future that looks different from their present. No chance for a different future. No chance of rising out of poverty.

At Engage Nepal we believe that if we change even one life, if we change one child’s narrative, it is worth the effort. That’s how transformation happens, One child at a time.

Working with our tremendous partners at the Sagarmatha Children’s Home, we are committing ourselves to supporting these children with a focus on youngsters from marginalized and minority communities, particularly the Pahari and Thami castes. Our goal is simple helping them to stay in or return to school. There is no greater gift that we can give them than the gift of education. And you can help.

Our initial goal is to help 100 children a year and if we are successful, we will build from there. Here are just a few of the children. I’ll try and post photos of more. All of these kids come from families struggling with extreme poverty. Many try to make their way by potato farming but the monsoon rains trigger landslides that steal their livelihoods. Every year life is lived on the edge of disaster. Keeping body and soul together takes all that they have. There’s never enough money left for school fees, and uniforms, or even paper and pens.

For $150 a year- $12.50 a month — we can give these children a chance at education that can transform their future. Please. Won’t you join us? Please, won’t you help one of these children?

We need your help. Together we can do this.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support. It means the world to these children and their families.


Scott DeLisi. US Ambassador (ret). Executive Director, Engage Nepal